Stronghold Digital Mining, Inc. - SDIG

About Gravity Analytica
Recent News
- 02.27.2025 - Stronghold Stockholders Overwhelmingly Approve Merger with Bitfarms
- 02.27.2025 - Stronghold Stockholders Overwhelmingly Approve Merger with Bitfarms
- 02.19.2025 - Stronghold Urges Stockholders to Follow the “FOR” Recommendation of ISS and Glass Lewis and Support the Pending Merger With Bitfarms at the Upcoming Special Meeting
- 02.19.2025 - Stronghold Urges Stockholders to Follow the “FOR” Recommendation of ISS and Glass Lewis and Support the Pending Merger With Bitfarms at the Upcoming Special Meeting
Recent Filings
- 02.27.2025 - 8-K Current report
- 02.27.2025 - EX-99.1 EX-99.1
- 02.19.2025 - 425 Prospectuses and communications, business combinations
- 02.19.2025 - EX-99.1 EX-99.1
- 02.19.2025 - 8-K Current report
- 02.06.2025 - DEFM14A Definitive proxy statement relating to merger or acquisition
- 02.05.2025 - 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities
- 02.05.2025 - SCHEDULE 13G/A Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certain Investors
- 01.31.2025 - SCHEDULE 13G Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certain Investors
- 01.31.2025 - RW Registration Withdrawal Request